Goshogawara Artist-in-Residence Festival Program
The Goshogawara International Woodfire Festival was held annually from 2002 through 2009. Over 115 ceramic artists from 26 countries participated during that time. After the first year, 12 to 16 artists were invited to attend each year.
The program was held from July 1 to July 31 at Tsugaru Kanayama Pottery in the Aomori Prefecture in northern Japan. The program focused on the exchange of techniques and ideas about ceramic art and wood firing. The sponsors sought to encourage mutual understanding and cooperation among potters throughout the world.
Each year, the program had a focal experience; for example, building a new kiln or firing in a new manner. Experience in wood firing was not required.
In 2009, the program focused on the construction of a wood-fired salt kiln (shio-gama). The basic design was developed by US kiln builder John Baymore.
After 2009, the staff rested and focused on the pottery business and helping the tsunami survivors. Beginning in 2012, Tsugaru Kanayama has refocused its ceramics outreach on selecting and training apprentices from Japan and other Asian countries. Usually three to six apprentices are in training.
